
Risk of rain 1 final boss
Risk of rain 1 final boss


It is possible to recover all of your HP by attacking the boss, as the window for recovery is huge. After this attack, the boss will be still for a few seconds if there are no Blood Moon Orbs close to him, rush to the boss and land multiple attacks on him. Once its health is below 30%, this attack will also prevent you from using healing items. It can instantly kill co-operators with less than 30% health. Those hit by this attack will be left with 1HP. The boss will hold its face and release a burst of light. Being hit by the blood prevents you from using Blood Vials for a while. After a moment, these clouds burst and rain blood in their vicinity. The boss summons pale clouds which rise from the ground as it attacks you. If the blood hits you, you will be de-buffed for 20 seconds, and you will not be able to use Blood vials. The boss will pop one pale white orb above its head, raining blood down on the player. Usually you can land one or two attacks after the boss lands. This attack is very easy to dodge by sidestepping it. The boss will jump on you and try to smash you.

risk of rain 1 final boss

It can be very surprising, but it can be very easy to dodge it by stepping back. The boss will smash his right hand on the ground, and just after, use his tentacles to make a very fast swipe.


This attack is very easy to strafe around and get a free hit in. The Moon Presence will swipe twice then do a forward lunge grab. However, since Burial Blade is obtained from defeating Gehrman, this strategy is impossible to players in NG unless they use Bold Hunter's Mark or are killed by the Moon Presence so as to return to Hunter's Dream in order to purchase the weapon. By attacking the Moon Presence while it is exhausted and vulnerable, one can safely recover all of their lost HP. Burial Blade in scythe form has very high rally, making it an excellent counter to this attack.It is possible to get all your health back through rally after this attack due to the crazy long window where it cools off after the attack. Keep in mind however that successfully casting this attack also causes the Moon Presence to become exhausted and therefore giving you time to plan accordingly and strike back. It can unleash a devastating amount of damage so take very special care when dealing with this attack. The attack cannot be dodged and your health will go to 1 regardless of any resistances, defences, your Vitality level or your HP before the attack. It is a very unique type of attack in that it cannot kill you - it will, however, reduce you to exactly 1 HP. Gaze of the Moon is an AoE attack that takes the shape of a cone.It acts in a similar fashion to Numbing Mist. If you get covered by the blood, you will not be able to heal for a short period of time. Periodically through the fight the Moon Presence will summon pale white balls which burst and rain blood in a medium-sized AoE.You will NOT have to fight Gehrman again. This is a much easier fight than Gehrman, but if you're out of blood vials you may want to let it kill you/use a Hunter's Mark to reset your blood vials to max.

risk of rain 1 final boss risk of rain 1 final boss

During the 3rd hit dodge into the attack (time this properly so you don't take damage) you should end up behind it and can manage 1-2 hits before it jumps away. An easy way to fight the Moon Presence is to stay in mid-range and lure it into its 3-hit combo.Gain 5 Insight for finding the boss and 5 Insight for killing it.


The game will end and a New Game Plus will immediately initiate once you defeat the boss, so make sure to have all your affairs in order before attempting it.Upon its defeat a cutscene will initiate and the game will end you will then obtain the "Childhood's Beginning" trophy.If you are killed by the boss you will respawn in the Hunter’s Dream. Similarly to the Gehrman fight, once you have consumed the cords there is no going back - if you consume the cords and refuse Gehrman’s offer you will have to fight the boss until you defeat it.If you have to fight this boss multiple times, you will NOT have to fight Gehrman again.You don't have to have consumed the Cords prior to refusing - you can consume them after selecting "refuse", but before you defeat Gehrman. The Moon Presence can only be fought if you acquire and consume three of the four available One Third of Umbilical Cord items, refuse Gehrman's request, and then defeat Gehrman, The First Hunter."Moon Demon/Fiend") is an optional final boss in Bloodborne.

Risk of rain 1 final boss