Hazrat Anas (R.A) says: Rasulallaah (PBUH) asked “Do you know which Ayat in the Quran is most lofty?” I said, Allaah and his Rasul know more. Ayatul Kursi Full (HD) l With Urdu Translation l By Muhammad Mahad l About Ayatul Kursi:Ayat Al KursiAre We aware of the status of Ayatul Kursi in.Hazrat Fatima Zahra (R.A) narrates, ” When the time approached for her delivery, then Rasulallaah (S.A.W) ordered Hazrat Umme Salama (R.A) and Hazrat Zainab (R.A) to go to Fatima and recite Ayatul Kursi and “Inna Rabba Kumullaah” (the whole Ayat) and the last two Quls and blow on her.“Muhammad (S.A.W) said,” Read Ayatul Kursi, it will protect you, your children, home and even those houses surrounding you.” Ayatul Kursi is a respected verse of the Holy Quran. Tags: Abu Hurairah Al-Baqara Al-Baqara 255 Allah Ayatul Kursi Islam Quran Urdu. For the first time on the Internet, the Pashtourdu site translated Ayat Al-Kursi into three languages ( ayatul kursi hindi, Urdu, English ) and shared it with you. In the verse, Allah’s majesty and majesty and His power over the universe have been described. Al Quran : Ayatul Kursi with Urdu Translation KHAWAJA UMER FAROOQ August 27, 2013. It is the 255th verse of Surah Baqarah and is considered the jewel of the Quran. Surah Al Mulk Surah Al-Muzzammil Ayatul Kursi Ayat of the Day. Ayat al-Kursi is one of the most important verses of the Holy Quran which has a deep impact on the hearts and minds of Muslims. Read Irfan ul Quran with English & Urdu translation or listen to audio with Urdu. Hazrat Ibne Masood (R.A) says that a person requested Muhammad (S.A.W) to teach him something that will benefit him. Ayatul Kursi Translation In Urdu & English. Your Queries:-ayatul kursi with urdu translationayatul kursiayatul kursi urdu tarjuma ke sathayatul kursi tarjuma ke sathayatul kursi beautiful recitationaya.

Muhammad (S.A.W) replied, “Why are you neglectful of Ayatul Kursi.” “ Whenever Aaytul Kursi is recited upon food, Allah will increase the blessings in that food.“ The Ayatul Kursi begins with the words Allah there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of all existence (255:1), emphasizing the. A simple search on the internet for Quran and download results will bring up all the Quran contents.
Hazrat Ayesha (R.A) narrates that one person came to Muhammad (S.A.W) and said that there was absolutely no “Barakat” (blessings) in the things at home. Surah Ayatul Kursi With Urdu Translation Mp3 Download HOT.